Sea Moss is a red algae, that grows in tropical warm waters. Sea Moss comes in various colors and variations, all sharing the same benefits. However, it is has been said the darker the more nutrient dense. The body is made of minerals and Sea Moss contains is made of those minerals, providing the body with nutrient-dense, cell-food. This means Optimal health. Just to name a few benefits: Sea Moss promotes healthy digestion, promotes regular thyroid function, improves metabolism, Improves circulation, boosts immune health, appetite suppressant, weight loss promotes healthy sexual function in men/women, recovery of muscle and joint pain, restores tissue, aids in healthy skin, can be used topically, hair toner and nourisher, sunburn, psoriasis and eczema and more. The benefits are ENDLESS! Handcrafted Sea Moss Gel - Made with Sea moss & 8.5 Alkaline water